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Conservation Commission Minutes 9/13/10
Town of Monterey, Massachusetts

MEETING DATE: September 13, 2010
Present: Richard Andrus, Timothy Lovett, David Dempsey, and Christopher Blair
The meeting convened at 6:10p.m.

Rosenthal – Request for extension on OOC file number 230-0243 (D. Dempsey is the project manager)
Applicant is requesting to extend their OOC 3years.  The Commission approved the request once the applicant files their amended OOC at the registry and provides proof of this recording to the town hall (the original amended OOC was returned to the town hall “unclaimed” by the post office and will be re-mailed to the applicant’s representative, Berkshire Engineering to file at the registry).

Materas – RDA – 17 Dowd Rd – Roofing (T. Lovett is the project manager)
No one showed for this hearing, it will be continued until the October meeting.

Sartori – SMA RDA – 11-01 – 95 Main Rd to construct a single family home, install a septic and well, utilities and drainage (R. Andrus is the project manager)
Mike Parsons and Chris Tryon, representatives for the Sartori’s as well as Mr. Sartori were present to present the project.  The Commission reviewed the previous filings for this property.  There is a new style of septic system being installed which is designed for sloped properties.  The Commission feels that the existing driveway needs to be improved and fails in its current state (there have been several washouts since it was created).  The application received a positive determination as the area described is in an area subject to protection under the Scenic Mountain Act and any removing, filling, excavating or altering of that area requires the filing of a SMA NOI.  The Commission gave them permission to complete/repair and pave the driveway and install the well with the understanding that the project would be filed under a NOI

Levin & Hartstein – RDA – 8 Bidwell Rd – tree removal, vista pruning, lakefront landscaping, grading to improve access, replace existing dock and – SMARDA  11-02 – 8 Bidwell Rd – tree removal, vista pruning, lakefront landscaping, grading to improve access, replace existing dock (C. Blair is the project manager)
Mike Parsons, Chris Tryon, Jonathan Levin, Tom Ingersoll and Peter Vallianos (abutter) were all present to review the project.  The definition of vista pruning with regards to the SMA and WPA were discussed.  The current dock is in disrepair and is being replaced with an aluminum dock.  Once the applicant has permission from the Con Comm the Chapter 91 license will be filed.  The SMA RDA was approved as submitted with a negative determination subject to the Commission having the opportunity to review the vista pruning plan.  The WPA DA was approved as a N3 subject to the existing trees in the 1st 25ft of the bank being recorded and submitted to the board.

Cash – RDA – 13 Buckingham Lane – septic upgrade (T. Lovett is the project manager)
Nick from Berkshire Engineering was present to review the project.  This is a voluntary septic upgrade, which has been approved by the Board of Health (a permit has not been issued as the installer has not signed the paperwork yet).  The Commission approved the project as submitted as a N2.  An update plan will be provided to the Commission showing the seeding, mulching and silt fence.

For Discussion:
1.  Mail was reviewed.
2.  Minutes from 8.9.10 were approved as written.
3.  The Commission will hold an interim meeting on Monday, September 27th at 6pm to review the application for 47 Old Beartown Rd which the Berkshire Record failed to print the legal notice for the hearing originally scheduled for tonight’s meeting.
4.  The Commission reviewed the ZBA special permit application for 2 Elephant Rock Rd.  The project does not appear to fall under our jurisdiction.  The construction portion of the project might be in a mapped region of the Scenic Mountain Act but this will be determined when the building plans are submitted.
5.  The Commission discussed changing their meeting day due to a change in the Select Board’s schedule and availability of the meeting room.  The consensus was that Wednesdays were out and the 2nd Tuesday of each month would work best.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm
Submitted by: Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
cc: Conservation Commission Board Members